Welcome to cTrac Fitness & Life Coaching


👉👉 Fitness Tracking

cTrac Fitness Tracking is a specialized fitness tracking program designed to provide support and motivation for reaching and maintaining a higher level of fitness among athletes, children and adults through monthly fitness assessments.


It's fun and simple! We meet at a time and location convenient for you... at your home, gym, school, local park, or my in-home office. Each assessment takes approximately 45 minutes and is conducted once per month. Goals are set and monitored, and you will receive a digital copy of your results following each assessment via email.

1. Heart Rate & Blood Pressure
2. Oxygen Level (Sp02)
3. Cardiovascular Fitness
4. Weight, Body Fat & Body Mass Index
5. Waist & Muscle Measurements (if trying to build muscle)
6. Strength & Flexibility
7. Digital Progress


Fitness Tracking Program: 
$45 per Assessment / $40 with a 6-month contract.
* Youth Wellness Program: 
FREE for children and teens 17 and under.
** Athlete Fitness-Research Program:
FREE Compensation for research program participants.

Enrollment is limited for Youth Wellness and Athlete Research Programs since these are offered free of charge.

* Youth Wellness Program – cTrac Youth Wellness Program is designed to promote healthy exercise and wellness habits that will increase self-esteem and help maintain healthy lifestyle choices. Children and teenagers do not get enough exercise, which compromises social, physical, and mental health. FREE for children and teens 17 and under.

** Athlete Fitness-Research Program - cTrac Athlete Fitness-Research Program is designed to: (1) provide support and motivation for increasing and maintaining a higher level of fitness and athletic performance, (2) assist in the prevention of heart attack during strenuous physical exercise due to underlying conditions such as Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, and (3) analyze fitness numbers related to exercise regimen among a diverse group of athletes in order to gain more knowledge on cardiovascular fitness, strength, body fat percentage and muscular development. Currently recruiting athletes who run, swim, bike or weight train. Compensation provided for Fitness-Research Program participants. NOTE: This program DOES NOT change your current exercise regime. It simply tracks your fitness progress on a monthly basis.

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👉👉 Life Coaching

cTrac Life Coaching is designed to help gain clarity, set goals, and overcome obstacles in all areas of life. Specializing in Personal Development, Lifestyle Management and Hoarding Tendencies, you will be provided with guidance and support to help you live your best life!


We begin meeting weekly to discuss goals and progress, and to make adjustments as needed. Each session is 1 hour, and we will meet at a time and location convenient for you... your work, community center, library, coffee shop or my in-home office. 


Life Coaching - Plan 1: 
$50 per 1-hour session
Life Coaching - Plan 2:
$45 with a 6-month contract / 1-hour session twice per month

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For More Information, Please Contact
Christopher Beaver, CPT/LC

901-859-4504 | ctrac.us@gmail.com

Or fill out the contact form below.



Crichton College
Bachelor of Science: Interdisciplinary Studies / Psychology

National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association
Personal Trainer - License No: BEA-012407

Udemy Incorporated
Life Coach - Certificate No: UC-F8D2DDFF-050B



Schedule a free consultation and start your journey to a healthier and happier you!


cTrac Fitness & Life Coaching
Memphis, Tennessee, United States